The Principle of Combination Education with Penalties is a important principle in the law of Public Order Administration. 教育与处罚相结合原则是《治安管理处罚法》的一项重要原则。
Citizen participation is the principle of new public administration, adapted the demand of the modern city development. 公众参与是城市治理的内在要求,是城市治理过程中的特定阶段和形式:公众参与体现了新公共管理的理念,适应了现代城市发展的需要。
For the development of administrative culture alone, the spirit and principle of WTO will at least cultivate our government and citizen to strengthen four kinds of consciousness correlating with the modernization of public administration; 仅就行政文化发展而言,WTO的精神和原则大概至少会有利于我国政府和公民强化与公共行政现代化相关的四种意识:其一是具有真正价值理性的法规意识。
Monophyletic principle was replaced by pluralistic principle, because there are three demands of role to public administration officials in modern society: 1. The public administration officials who be separated with the citizen role of oneself; 绝对命令的一元原则被多元原则取代,是因为对于公共行政人员,现代社会至少产生三个方面的角色要求:1、与自身公民角色分离的公共行政人员;
The principle of public relations should be applied in government crisis administration. 在政府危机管理中应当运用公共关系原则。
In modern society, the principle of the public administration the first is legal system. 现代社会,公共行政的原则体现为一是法制原则,依法行政是现代公共行政最基本的特征之一,也是现代公共行政的要求。